Circus Maximus: from Chariot Races to Rolling Stones
“Circus Maximus“, built approximately in II century BC, was the largest Roman chariots racing stadium in the ancient world, with a spectacular capacity of approximately 150,000 spectators (according to some sources it could fit even 250.000 spectators). Located in the heart of Rome, it is an example of the magnificence of the ancient Roman world. It has been used as a racetrack, where the whole Roman society gathered to feel the clamor, the adrenaline and the speed of the Roman teams competing. Have a look at how the Circus Maximus was in its most glorious times
On the track, there were twelve Roman chariots pulled by horses. The ring of the racetracks was determined by two huge Egyptian obelisks, dating from the golden period of this civilization (1200 years before Christ to be exact).
Throughout the time, the Circus Maximus has been improved several times from its initial construction that started in the V century BC.
Nowadays, the Circus Maximus preserved only its original shape, but almost everything else has been lost. Many ancient buildings have been dismantled over the centuries and probably many pieces of the Circus Maximus have been used to build churches and various buildings in the city. Lately, the space of the Circus Maximus (just behind the Palatine Hill), has been utilized for concerts, so bands and musicians like Rolling Stones and David Gilmour had a chance to perform in the same place where Ancient Romans used to entertain themselves.
To discover many other interesting facts about the Ancient Rome and the history of the Roman Empire you can choose one of our Ancient Rome tours: Colosseum and Roman Forum Sunrise tour, Colosseum and Roman Forum group tour, Colosseum and Roman Forum Private tour.